select*from Employees
select FirstName,LastName,Title from Employees
select*from customers
select ContactName,Country from Customers --Tüm veriler
select ContactName,Country from customers
select*from [Order Details] where Quantity>5 and ProductID>20 and UnitPrice>20
select UnitPrice as birim_fiyati,Quantity as miktar,UnitPrice*Quantity as ucret from [Order Details]
select*from Orders
select*from orders where OrderDate>'1996-07-24'
select*from Orders where CustomerID<='e' --eden önceki harfleri gösterir
select*from Customers
select CustomerID,CompanyName,Address,Country,Phone from Customers
select FirstName,LastName,Title,city,Country from Employees where Country='USA' and City='Seattle'
select*from Products where UnitsInStock='0'
select*from Employees where HireDate>'01.01.1993' and HireDate<'01.01.1994'
select*from [Order Details] where UnitPrice>20 or Quantity<10
select UnitPrice,(UnitPrice*10)/100+UnitPrice as [KDV'li fiyat] from [Order Details] where UnitPrice>50
select*from Customers where Country in ('France','Spain','mexico','canada')
select*from Employees where FirstName>'d'
select distinct country from Customers
select distinct quantity from [order details]
select distinct unitprice from [Order Details]
select*from Employees where region is null
select*from Employees where region is not null
select*from Employees order by FirstName asc
select*from Employees order by FirstName desc
select*from Products where UnitPrice>20 order by UnitPrice,UnitsInStock asc
select*from Employees order by city,title,FirstName asc
select*from Employees order by city,title,FirstName desc
select top 5*from Customers
select top 10 percent*from customers order by CustomerID desc
select top 20 percent*from Employees
select top 10*from Products where UnitPrice>20 order by NEWID()
select*from Employees where LastName like 'd%'--d ile başlayan isimler
select*from Employees where LastName like '%d%'--içinde d olan isimler
select*from Employees where LastName like '%h'--sonda h olan isimler
select*from Employees where LastName like '_u%' --soyisminde ikinci karakterinde u harfi olan
select*from Employees where FirstName like '[ar]%'
select*from Employees where FirstName like '[a-r]%' --a ile r arasında
select*from Employees where FirstName like '[^a]%' --adı a ile başlamayan
select FirstName,LastName as [isim soyisim] from Employees
select FirstName+' '+LastName as [isim soyisim] from Employees
select ProductName,UnitsOnOrder from Products where UnitsOnOrder!=0 order by UnitsOnOrder desc
select top 3*from Employees where title='sales representative' order by FirstName asc
select top 20 percent*from Products where UnitPrice between 10 and 30
select distinct SupplierID from Products
select CompanyName,ContactName from Customers where ContactName like '_[a-c]%' --ikinci harfi a yada c olan contactname
select CustomerID from Customers where CustomerID like '%[cdn]'
select CustomerID from Customers where CustomerID like '[^ak]_[lsn]%'
select CustomerID from Customers where CustomerID like '_[^a]%'
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